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TSS TITANIUM7 sc Drogestof- en troebelheidssensor, titanium, ball valve fitting, zeewater

Productnr.: LXV330.99.10001
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Titanium behuizing voor gebruik in zeer zoute media: TSS TITANIUM7 sc

Digitale sensor voor de bepaling van troebelheid en droge stof. Geschikt voor zeewater en zeer zoute media. Installatie in tanks en gesloten vaten
The TSS sc probes can measure both on-line
suspended solids and turbidity in one instrument. This flexibility enables the measurement of both parameters under the same application.
They have a double optical system with two pulsating infrared LEDs and four receivers. As the transmitted light is scattered, the receivers pick up the incident light at 90° and 120° angles effectively doubling the accuracy of the instrument. This eight channel measurement system, with an integrated bubble and temperature compensating software, enables the instrument to have a wide measuring range that effectively covers most applications, from the darkest pre-treated water to the freshest of spring waters, with one instrument.
TSS sc titanium probes are used for all applications in which aggressive media can attack stainless steel. TSS TITANIUM7 sc is especially suitable for seawater. The probe is used in seawater desalination plants or
in measuring stations that come into contact with seawater.

  • TSS sc sensoren zijn speciaal ontwikkeld voor industriële applicaties
  • Meet zowel troebelheid als droge stof
  • 8 meetsignalen bestrijken de totale range en geven meetwaarden in overeenstemming met de relevante standaarden
  • Uitstekende stabiliteit dankzij compensatie voor storende factoren
  • TSS sc heeft een uniek compensatie systeem tegen het effect van luchtbellen

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